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What are the pros and cons of political correctness?
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Political correctness opposes free speech

Political correctness is a form of censorship. It goes against Western values and slows society's progression.
Political Correctness

The Argument

Political correctness restricts public debates and thinking in society and in mainstream media. This results in 'touchy' issues not being discussed efficiently. There is no flexibility with social boundaries. Political correctness is a form of social engineering used to silence people with ‘controversial’ ideas. Political correctness is not fixed, so what is unacceptable changes. But who gets to decide what qualifies as unacceptable? Politicians who condemn others citing political correctness (excluding 'hate speech' or clear examples of discrimination) are going against the principles of freedom of speech. They are silencing people according to their own standards. Some people think political correctness is a leftist plot that silences the right and removes ‘alternative politicians’ from mainstream media. Because much of the world’s views are not strictly ‘politically correct’, they are not represented. Others think that ‘The whole political correctness movement was invented by the Far Right to inhibit any meaningful discussion of diversity issues in order to keep racial, gender, and other barriers in place.’

Counter arguments

Political correctness doesn’t oppose freedom of speech. Political correctness ensures that respect and understanding needed in debate are employed. In this way it advocates successful debate which strengthens the premise on which freedom of speech is widely accepted.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 27 Oct 2020 at 15:09 UTC

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