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How will coronavirus change the world?
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Coronavirus will improve public perception of health workers

The "heroism" of global frontline workers will resonate more with the public. From doctors and nurses, through to cashiers and delivery workers, our perception of public-facing labour will change for the better, prompting a possible rethink in wage and status.

The Argument

Doctors and nurses are currently being heralded as national heroes in the wake of the pandemic. Their relentless efforts toward not only assuring the health of their patients, but also making sure they are comfortable and cared for, are being praised worldwide. This attitude marks a dramatic shift in the public’s perception of these professionals and foreshadows an increase in the public’s respect for the position. Just a few months ago, doctors and nurses were viewed as professionals who charged excessive fees for, oftentimes, simple checkups or procedures. But the work and dedication they showed during these tumultuous times have changed the opinions of many. People’s perceptions of the medical community have dramatically improved; society has come to appreciate the sacrifices they make and regard them as being driven by goodwill, and not perks such as money. As recently as January 2020, the Washington Post published an op-ed calling doctors "muggers".[1]People in government such as Maggie Hassan even retweeted that essay. The wider public also regarded doctors and nurses as being paid too much for the somewhat simple services they offer. The fact that most doctors and nurses made six-figure salaries for doing routine procedures made some exclaim that they are driven by money and greed to pursue such careers. However, in recent weeks, people have come to regard medical professionals as ones who truly care for the well-being of others even if it means putting themselves and their own well-being at risk.

Counter arguments

Medical professionals were always regarded highly in society and the pandemic won't necessarily improve societal views concerning them. Rather, it would only prove as a testament for how society already views doctors and nurses and it will preserve society's reputed perception of such fields. Doctors in America have to obtain average schooling of around 12-16 years after high school. Meanwhile, some nurses are known for working more than 16 hours a day in order to make sure their patients are well cared for. This places an enormous financial, physical, and social burden on them, and society is very well aware of this. People always understood the tremendous sacrifices that health professionals underwent in order to perform their job, and people always regarded them with much awe and respect.



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Thursday, 3 Sep 2020 at 16:08 UTC

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