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What is love?
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Romantic love vs deep emotional attachment

There are two kinds of love. One is romantic love, which can often begin with lust. The other is a deeper emotional attachment.


Relationships often begin with romantic love. This love is more physical, intense and short-lived. When this recedes, often a deeper emotional connection is formed. This connection is longer-lasting. Both are forms of love but they feel different from each other. Therefore, they are not the same thing.

The Argument

Romantic love is associated with the feelings, behaviour and science behind the “honeymoon period” in a relationship. This kind of love manifests itself as butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms, a high sex drive and intense feelings of attraction towards the other individual. Then, as the connection between the couple becomes deeper, the love evolves into more of an emotional connection. This attachment allows us to develop a more profound enjoyment for life when shared with the other person. It may not carry the same physical, behavioural and sensational side effects (we may be less affectionate and sexual, less forthcoming with gifts and have fewer intense cravings for the other person). But instead, the connection will evolve into a deep enjoyment of life when that other person is around. [1]

Counter arguments

There is only one true form of love and that is divine love. All other forms of human love are false. Human love is not real love. It comes from a desire to possess another person. When we seek out human love, we seek to be loved by that human in return, making human love inherently selfish.[2] Divine love, on the other hand, is self-fulfilling - to love God simply because, without expecting anything in return. This pure form of love is the only true love that exists.



[P1] Romantic love feels different than a deeper emotional love. [P2] Therefore, there are two kinds of love.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P1] Neither of these are true love. They are both selfish mortal forms of love.


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020 at 12:38 UTC

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