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What are the most useful skills to learn while social distancing?
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Revitalise your correspondences

Whether love letters or stoic words to encourage the self-isolating, make your words count and put them to paper.

The Argument

Revitalising you correspondents is a way to feel more connected to the people around us while being physically apart. Texting, calling, and zoom sessions are important for day to day interactions, but sitting down and writing a letter gives a much more personal touch to the interaction. It makes it more human. Physically writing a letter require thought and preparation. It communicates to the recipient care and appreciation by dedicating extra time and thought, unlike a quick text reply. While coronavirus keeps people physically distant from one another, it is important to find alternative ways of creating intimacy and showing care and compassion. More thought goes into physically writing a letter, creating a more personal space even though physically distant.

Counter arguments



[P1] Letter writing is a more intimate form of communication. [P2] While physically apart, we need to find other ways of feeling connected. [P3] Writing correspondent is the best way to communicate to loved ones during the coronavirus pandemic.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Sunday, 14 Jun 2020 at 17:10 UTC

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