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Are vaccines safe?
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Vaccines contain known neurotoxins

Several of the compounds in common vaccines are known neurotoxins.


For accurate information on the efficiency of vaccines, consult the WHO website.[1]

The Argument

These toxins can cause encephalopathy, a term used to describe forms of brain damage, disorder or disease. There has never been a test to examine the effects of injecting these toxins into a young child. So how can we know vaccines are safe? The only studies that have ever looked at the effect of aluminium on the brain were carried out in rodents. These studies also only administered aluminium to rodents via ingestion. They did not inject the chemical as it would be administered in an inoculation. This is particularly damaging. When ingested, the lining of the gut will prevent 99% of the metal being absorbed by the body. However, when injected, the gut lining cannot act as a barrier. It deposits the chemical directly into the body tissue.[2] There is a similar lack of information regarding the effects of mercury on the brain. The preservative thimerosal contains ethylmercury. Many vaccine proponents argue that this compound can be readily eliminated by the body. This is true to an extent. Ethylmercury can be eliminated fairly quickly from the bloodstream. However, it can gather in deposits in the brain. This is where it causes damage. In the brain, ethylmercury can be broken down, leaving inorganic mercury. This can cause the type of brain inflammation often associated with autism.

Counter arguments

The chemicals contained vaccines are not in a toxic form. Vaccine production is constantly being refined to reduce any potential side-effects. While some vaccinations, including the common flu shot, do contain mercury in a preservative known as thimerosal, the mercury is in a compound called ethylmercury. Unlike methylmercury, the body can eliminate this compound quickly without any lasting effects.[2] The aluminium present in some vaccines is present in aluminium salts designed to elicit a stronger immune response. However, the quantities of aluminium in these salts is so small that it does not pose a risk to the child.



[P1] Mercury and aluminium are neurotoxins. [P2] They have been scientifically proven to cause health issues when they enter the body. [P3] They are present in vaccines. [P4] Therefore, vaccines contain known neurotoxins and are unsafe.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P4] The quantities of mercury and aluminium present in vaccines pose no risks.


This page was last edited on Monday, 23 Mar 2020 at 14:29 UTC

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