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Who killed John F. Kennedy?
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Oswald's interest in communism

Oswald's political beliefs led him to defect to the Soviet Union.
Conspiracy History People
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The Argument

Lee Harvey Oswald was known for feeling angry and isolated. He found comfort in the ideas of communism and Marxism. In 1959, Oswald attempted to defect to Moscow, USSR, but was rejected and sent to live in Minsk. Luckily for him, this is where he met his wife, Marina.[1] In 1962 he moved back to the United States after becoming too paranoid that the KGB was monitoring him. But Oswald never lost his belief in communism. This ultimately encouraged him to assassinate politicians who didn't align with his ideals, such as General Walker and JFK.[2]

Counter arguments


[P1] Lee Harvey Oswald felt angry and isolated. [P2] Lee Harvey Oswald agreed with communist values and beliefs. [P3] Lee Harvey Oswald wanted to assassinate people who disagreed with his political beliefs. [P4] Therefore, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK.

Rejecting the premises


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