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Are psychics real?
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Psychics use various methods to gain information about clients

There are many well-known strategies that psychics use to gain intel on their clients for "predictions".

The Argument

There is evidence of a variety of techniques that psychics utilize in order to gain information from their clients and make it appear as if they are predicting things. A method known as cold-calling is when a psychic asks a large audience a general question, like if anyone had a sister named Jane who was in a car accident. This is savage and yet simultaneously specific that someone is bound to have experienced it. Similarly, hot-calling is getting information before the meeting, through platforms like Instagram or Twitter. [1] Psychics may also take into account the demographics of an area, and keep in mind the statistics and likelihood of certain things happening to the people living within that area.[2] Psychics aren't real-they're just smart.

Counter arguments

Perhaps they utilize these methods, but many things predicted by psychics cannot be explains by techniques such as cold or hot-calling. This accuracy can only work to a certain level. ESP is required to see certain things, things that wild or even educated guesses would have no chance of knowing.



[P1] Psychics use a variety of techniques to gain information about clients. [P2] Psychics aren't real, they're just smart.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 11 Nov 2020 at 15:17 UTC

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