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What are the theories of emotion?
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The relationship between physiology and emotions is not one-to-one

The same physiological response can be associated with different emotions, or with no emotion at all.

The Argument

Refuting the notion that emotions are based on physiology, the Cannon-Bard theory argues that physiological symptoms and emotional states are not necessarily linked. During exercise, a person may experience many of the same physiological symptoms as when they are afraid, such as an elevated heart rate, sweating, and trembling. Although the physiological responses are the same, exercise and frightening events do not evoke the same emotions. The lack of one-to-one causal relationships between emotions and physiology suggests that their connection is more complex than a simple cause and effect mechanism.

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Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Friday, 21 Feb 2020 at 21:32 UTC

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