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What are the solutions to the Syrian crisis?
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Syria must rejoin the Arab League

After it's suspension from the Arab League due to the worsening of violence in Syria under Assad rule in 2011, it is important that the Arab League restores its monitoring mission to aid the creation of a new democracy.


The Arab league is a confederation of Middle Eastern countries that aims to improve communication and cooperation in the region. In 2011, Syria was expelled from the league because of the government's violence against protesting citizens. [1]

The Argument

Syria's crisis is worsened by international players involving themselves in the dilemma. The US, the UN, and Russia turn the conflict from regional to global, leading to stronger weapons and higher stakes for the violence in Syria. In addition, the separate conflicts between world powers are played out in Syria, adding more instability to the region. If Syria's affairs were handled domestically, instead of globally, the conflict would be managed much more peacefully. The Arab league nations are closer to Syria, and as Middle Eastern nations, more similar. By relying on Western and European powers to resolve the conflict, Syria is relying on nations that can never truly understand the sources of the conflict. The Middle Eastern nations in the Arab league are much more similar countries and have experienced much more similar crises to Syria than Western nations have. By rejoining the Arab league, Syria could solve its crisis better with regional states than international ones.

Counter arguments

The Arab League cannot help Syria as much as the international community because it does not have the resources. Despite their similarities to Syria, the UN and the US are simply more powerful. The Syrian crisis is out of the Middle East's league and needs to be handled on a global scale. In addition, the Arab League's similarity to Syria is precisely why they shouldn't be the ones to solve the crisis. The Arab League consists partly of autocratic dictators just like Assad- which will simply encourage human rights violations and give more support to the regime, instead of diplomatically solving the issue.



[P1] The global involvement in the Syrian crisis makes it worse. [P2] Syria cannot handle the crisis alone. [P3] Since the crisis cannot be handled by Syria or global players, it must be handled by regional powers. [P4] Syria must rejoin the Arab league.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P1] Internationalization of the conflict provides valuable resources, it doesn't make it worse.


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 14 Jul 2020 at 19:53 UTC

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