Should you go vegan?

Here are five reasons to go vegan and five reasons NOT to go vegan.

Eating animal products is ethical

Animals were created in order to provide food for humanity.

Humans need meat in their diet

As omnivores we biologically demand meat in order to fuel our bodies and gain a sufficient amount of protein

We support the animal species by farming them

The meat industry means that many species are guaranteed survival due to their value to us.

It is ethical to eat meat as secondary consumers

It is only natural for us to eat meat, as we are 'secondary consumers'.

Meat has a place in Culture and Tradition

Many traditional cuisines include meat as an integral element. Historically, meat has been an integral part of feasting in many cultures. Going vegan would remove mean from these cultural traditions, changing them forever. You can limit meat consumption but still keep a cultural and traditional space for it.

Animals do not have souls

According to many belief systems, humans are the only animals which have souls. Some believe that animals were put on earth by a creator to serve human beings, and therefore eating animal products is ethical.

Eating animal products is unethical

Animals should not be murdered just for human nourishment.

Eating meat causes animal cruelty

Farmed animals have been proven to have feelings, thoughts, and personalities. On today’s factory farms, they’re crammed by the thousands into filthy sheds and wire cages. Some never see the light of day.

Eating meat has devastating effects on the environment

The Union of Concerned Scientists lists meat-eating as the second-biggest environmental hazard facing the Earth

Not eating meat could prevent world hunger

There is enough food to feed the world population. World hunger is still a huge issue because rich countries demand meat, and therefore it is more lucrative to sell this luxury to them. If less people ate meat, more efficient crops would take their place and be able to feed the entire world.

The meat industry exploits migrant workers

The meat industry is infamous for mistreatment of workers and violation of workers' rights.

Eating meat can lead to health problems

Fatty meat can lead to high cholesterol and obesity, both things that contribute to heart disease
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