What should we do about climate change?

We are in a climate crisis. People and natural systems around the world are feeling the impacts of a warming globe, from more intense heat waves, more intense storms, heavier rainfall, melting sea ice and retreating glaciers, etc, etc. No part of our world is left untouched, and given the current rate of warming, things will only get worse. So what can we do to mitigate global warming?

We must take immediate and radical action to address climate change

The consequences of not acting on the climate emergency are too great. We have the technology today needed to tackle this issue and need to move towards a carbon neutral and green energy world.

We need a Green New Deal

Individual action is not enough. The type of transition in our global and national economies and infrastructure will require a mobilization of resources on the scale of WWII. We need governments to make huge investments in this future.

We shouldn't do anything to address climate change

There are other issues to address that are more important, and we shouldn't spend resources on the issue of climate change.

Funds used for fighting climate change should be redirected to better causes

There is never enough money for governments and international organizations to address all of the world population’s needs. However, we are currently spending an inordinate amount of money fighting climate change while other issues are underfunded. This misdirected money needs to be reallocated to better help people suffering today.

It’s just too expensive to stop climate change

We are currently spending a phenomenal amount of money fighting change, without any real success. Since current research and initiatives have been ineffective, it’s pointless to keep wasting money fighting climate change. We could do any number of things with that money instead.

We should take gradual action to address climate change to avoid disruption

We should act on climate change, but we should be very careful to not disrupt the economy and people's lively hoods and way of life.

Governments should incentivize going green

Governments should begin offering financial incentives when people take up pro-environmental behaviors. This creates minimal disruption, as people have the choice about whether to carpool, recycle, or install solar panels. As everyone (businesses included) begins switching to greener alternatives, climate change will grind to a halt as our carbon emissions drop.

We should begin the transition to renewable energy

Governments need to help shift the energy sector to renewable energy, and people need to be amenable to small changes in their environments. Exchanging more city roads for fast, reliable public transportation will be one of these changes. However, all of the steps we take to mitigate climate change need to happen slowly and at the macro-level. This will prevent any strain on society.

There is nothing that we can do to address climate change

The earth systems are just too big to affect, and any efforts we undertake would be futile.

The Earth has been around for millions of years - we can't change it

In the grand scheme of the earth's existence, humans have been around for a very short period of time. It is arrogant to think that our existence was so impactful, it changed the nature of the earth's climate forever. The earth has survived countless threats and will continue to do so for a long time, regardless of the human race’s effects on it.

God controls the climate, and his will be done

God is in control of the universe and everything in it. If the climate is changing, it must be God's will for it to change. If he wants to reverse climate change, he will do so; if he does not, this problem is in His hands. It is arrogant for humans to think that we can change His plan.

We need to artificially reshape the climate system to survive

Current technologies can't be implemented fast enough. We need to explore radical artificial reshaping of the climate system through geo-engineering.

Humans won't change their behaviors

Despite climate change awareness, people have not dramatically altered their behaviors, and are unlikely to do so. Instead of expecting people to change their behavior, we need to act to mitigate the effects of climate change by artificially reshaping the climate.

It is too late to stop the effects of climate change

No matter how much we reduce emissions, there will be climate catastrophes, Therefore, we need to artificially alter the climate along with reducing emissions in order to prevent catastrophe.
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This page was last edited on Monday, 5 Oct 2020 at 07:54 UTC