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Megan Leonhardt

Twitter: @Megan_Leonhardt
Megan Leonhardt is a senior money writer with CNBC Make It. Before joining CNBC, she was a writer for Money magazine where she covered consumer protection issues. She previously held editorial positions at and Law360.


“When it was signed into law in 1938 by Franklin D. Roosevelt, minimum wage was designed to provide workers a livable salary. Yet Nicholson’s typical 20 hours a week at Church’s Chicken adds up to about $8,300 annual pay, far below the $78,407 the Economic Policy Institute estimates a family of four needs to live modestly in Kansas City.”
What it’s like trying to live on minimum wage—it’s a ‘constant struggle’
18 July 2019
This page was last edited on Monday, 30 Nov 2020 at 07:19 UTC