Avram Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist. Sometimes called "the father of modern linguistics", Chomsky is also a major figure in analytic philosophy, and is one of the founders of the field of cognitive science. He is Laureate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Arizona and Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and is the author of more than 100 books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics, and mass media. Ideologically, he aligns with anarcho-syndicalism and libertarian socialism. - Wikipedia


“What's happened is segments of the left have taken up the standard procedures of the mainstream establishment — which are never discussed because that's what you do to the left, you regress it. But segments of the left have picked it up, it's wrong in principle, it's tactically ridiculous, it's a gift to the right-wing. If somebody comes to campus who you don't like, and you break up his meeting, that's a gift to the right-wing, they love it. They can then praise themselves as the good guys, who are standing up for freedom of speech against these radical folks who want to destroy everything.”
Philosopher, linguist
23 August 2020
“In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival.”
13 November 2019
“To say that language is not innate is to say that there is no difference between my granddaughter, a rock and a rabbit. In other words, if you take a rock, a rabbit and my granddaughter and put them in a community where people are talking English, they’ll all learn English. If people believe that, then they believe that language is not innate. If they believe that there is a difference between my granddaughter, a rabbit, and a rock, then they believe that language is innate.”
23 June 2015
“Puerto Rico was turned into a plantation for U.S. agribusiness, later an export platform for taxpayer-subsidized U.S. corporations, and the site of major U.S. military bases and petroleum refineries.”
American linguist
1 September 1998
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