Bernard d'Espagnat (22 August 1921 – 1 August 2015) was a French theoretical physicist, philosopher of science, and author, best known for his work on the nature of reality. The Wigner-d'Espagnat inequality is partially named after him. - from Wikipedia


““It seems clear indeed that the power of conceptualization of the human being is superior to that of the dog and even of the monkey. So who tells us that man has reached the limit in this area? And if it is not so, who guarantees us that the bottom of things, which is not accessible to the dog, is ours? We thus arrive at the idea that if we are loath to see ourselves as existing alone we must take seriously the notion of a bottom of things: supremely real but, on the other hand, situated so far beyond the scope of our concepts, as well familiar than mathematical, that phenomena, both those we perceive and those that science describes, do not allow us to decipher it. On him they provide at best glimmers, and again, very uncertain. That's why I call it the veiled real.””
22 May 2019
“It seems clear indeed that the power of conceptualization of the human being is superior to that of the dog and even of the monkey. So who tells us that man has reached the limit in this area? And if it is not so, who guarantees us that the bottom of things, which is not accessible to the dog, is ours? We thus arrive at the idea that if we are loath to see ourselves as existing alone we must take seriously the notion of a bottom of things: supremely real but, on the other hand, situated so far beyond the scope of our concepts, as well familiar than mathematical, that phenomena, both those we perceive and those that science describes, do not allow us to decipher it. On him they provide at best glimmers, and again, very uncertain. That's why I call it the real veiled.”
22 May 2019
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