Bill Kaysing (July 31, 1922 – April 21, 2005) was an American writer who claimed that the six Apollo Moon landings between July 1969 and December 1972 were hoaxes, and so a founder of the Moon landing conspiracy theories. - from Wikipedia


“The set had to be photographed through filters and electronic "noise" had to be added to avoid a too-perfect picture. Otherwise these scenes would resemble too closely the action from "Star Trek" and other science fiction presentations. Even so, many viewers in bars and country clubs all over the U.S. suspected rather loudly that the scenes were a fake. Little of this reached newspapers. Note in this montage of photographs of the astronauts "at work" on the moon that the simulation was simplicity itself. With a totally black space background, a rough but firm moon surface and the LEM featured prominently, the reasonably authentic lunar scene was will within the capabilities of motion picture set designers and special effects experts. The range marks lend an uncanny resemblance to reality - a tribute to the painstaking work of the simulators on an unlimited budget.”
2 August 1976
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