Deirdre Barrett is an author and psychologist who teaches at Harvard Medical School. She is known for her research on dreams, hypnosis and imagery and has written on evolutionary psychology. Barrett is a Past President of The International Association for the Study of Dreams and of the American Psychological Association’s Div. 30, The Society for Psychological Hypnosis. She has written five books for the general public: Pandemic Dreams (2020), The Pregnant Man and Other Cases From a Hypnotherapist's Couch (1998), The Committee of Sleep (2001), Waistland (2007), and Supernormal Stimuli (2010). She is the editor of four academic books: Trauma and Dreams (1996), The New Science of Dreaming (2007), Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (2010), and The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams (2012). She is Editor in Chief of the journal Dreaming: The Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams and a Consulting Editor for Imagination, Cognition, and Personality and The International Journal for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Sleep paralysis is a state of mind which the dreamer can not move or talk although they are aware that they are awake. From Wikipedia


“Since we share many symbols and metaphors, there are some general themes that are likely to mean similar things for dreamers”
11 September 2017
This page was last edited on Sunday, 15 Nov 2020 at 22:47 UTC