Emma Bonino OMRI, CdrLH (born 9 March 1948) is an Italian politician. She currently is a Senator for Rome. She served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2013 to 2014. Previously, she was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a member of the Senate of the Republic. She served in the government of Italy as minister of international trade from 2006 to 2008. She is a leading member of the Italian Radicals, a political party which describes itself "liberale, liberista e libertario" (where liberista denotes economic liberalism and libertario a form of cultural liberalism concerning moral issues, with some ideological connection with historical left-libertarianism). She graduated in modern languages and literature from Bocconi University in Milan in 1972. A veteran legislator in Italian politics and an activist for various reform policies, she was elected six times as deputy and two times as senator. She was the leader of More Europe, a liberal, european federalist party list she announced on December 2017, in the 2018 Italian general election. From Wikipedia


“L'Europa deve superare il trattato di Dublino (quello che stabilisce che il migrante faccia domanda di asilo nel Paese dove arriva, ndr) e cercare una cooperazione rafforzata sul tema dei migranti, come del resto sta facendo sulla difesa e sull'economia con l'asse franco-tedesco”
20 February 2018
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