Hi, I’m Nora Dunn. In 2006, I took the plunge. I sold my financial planning practice (working as a Certified Financial Planner CFP) in Toronto Canada, and got rid of all of my belongings in order to free myself up for the adventure of a lifetime. I hit the road in early 2007, and over the next 12 years I traveled slowly through over 60 countries and five continents. Through these travel experiences, I learned that full-time travel doesn’t have to cost as much as we would suspect. I often volunteered (in a variety of ways) in trade for free accommodation – and I stayed in some pretty damn nice places. My location independent writing career took care of the rest of the expenses.


“When a developing country that might depend overly on tourism loses their tourists, that crippled economy can collapse.”
2 September 2019
This page was last edited on Monday, 30 Nov 2020 at 06:27 UTC