History (formerly The History Channel from 1995 to 2008 and stylized as HISTORY) is a pay television network and flagship channel that is owned by A&E Networks, a joint venture between Hearst Communications and the Disney Media Networks division of the Walt Disney Company. The network was originally focused on history-based documentaries and historical fiction series though, during the late 2000s, History would drift into reality television programming. In addition to this change in format, the network is also criticized by many scientists, historians, and skeptics for broadcasting pseudodocumentaries and unsubstantiated, sensational investigative programming. - from Wikipedia


“The compass allowed for interaction—both peaceful and otherwise—between previously isolated world cultures.”
11 Innovations That Changed History
25 March 2020
“The Civil War was America's bloodiest and most divisive conflict, pitting the Union Army against the Confederate States of America.”
Civil War
1 March 2020
“Only male citizens who were older than 18 were a part of the demos, meaning only about 40,000 people [in Athens] could participate in the democratic process.”
Ancient Greek Democracy
23 August 2018
“The U.N. was officially established in 1945 following the horrific events of World War II, when international leaders proposed creating a new global organization to maintain peace and avoid the abuses of war.”
United Nations
21 August 2018
“At the outset of that conflict, Lincoln insisted that the war was not about freeing the South’s slaves but about preserving the Union.”
Emancipation Proclamation
29 October 2009
““What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.”
Frederick Douglass
27 October 2009
“The codes appeared throughout the South as a legal way to put black citizens into indentured servitude, to take voting rights away, to control where they lived and how they traveled and to seize children for labor purposes.”
Jim Crow Laws: Definition, Facts & Timeline
21 March 1981
This page was last edited on Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 05:12 UTC