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The National Abortion Rights Action League

Twitter: @NARAL
NARAL Pro-Choice America, commonly known as simply NARAL (/ˈnɛərəl/), is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization in the United States that engages in lobbying, political action, and advocacy efforts to oppose restrictions on abortion and expand access to abortion, birth control, paid parental leave, and protection against pregnancy discrimination. - from Wikipedia


“A policy that makes contraception and abortion freely available, will greatly reduce the number of unwanted children, and thereby curb the tragic rise of child abuse in our country. Legal abortion will decrease the number of unwanted children, battered children, child abuse cases, and possibly subsequent delinquency, drug addiction, and a host of social ills, believed to be associated with neglectful parenthood.”
1 June 1978
This page was last edited on Saturday, 14 Nov 2020 at 00:39 UTC