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Has the body positivity movement accomplished anything?
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Body positivity combats the rise of artificial image-editing from the rise of social media

As the general public becomes more accepting of varied body types, people no longer feel the need to edit images they post of themselves on social media, leading to a rise in personal authenticity.
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The Argument

As people are pressured to conform to standards of what the ideal body is, they simply adjust by altering the images of themselves that they post on social media. This snowballs the existing problem by convincing the viewers that the photo is actually authentic. Soon, we see a deluge of photos online that have been previously edited so as to convince viewers that they are not, and others feel mounting pressure to conform to the body type. As these behaviors continue, social media, advertisements, and magazine images become entirely constructed of edited images, and we, as a society, forget what it means to have an authentic and unedited body.

Counter arguments

First, studies show that social media image-editing is as common as it has always been, if not increasing with the rise of social media usage. Additionally, body positivity has only shifted the "ideal body type," where people now edit their images to appear artificially "thick." Impossible beauty standards prevail despite the efforts of the movement.


Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 06:29 UTC

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