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Has the body positivity movement accomplished anything?
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Body positivity has allowed people to feel comfortable in their own bodies

Through an intentional movement of inclusion for bodies of color, disabled bodies, and bodies of all sizes, people of marginalized identities can feel loved, accepted, and confident as themselves.
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The Argument

The body positivity movement is based on a simple premise - that all bodies, not just those held up by a societal ideal, deserve to be loved, taken care of, and valued. This is not because they hold some kind of particular value or look aesthetically appealing, but because they are a body that belongs to someone, and that in itself is enough. For those with bodies that fall outside of the conventional norm, they might begin to hear narratives for the first time in their lives that their own bodies are appreciated. This can boost peoples' self-esteem and help them feel more confident as themselves, as opposed to prior feelings of insecurity.

Counter arguments

Body positivity focuses on the demographic of fat, white, cis-gendered, and able-bodied women, leaving behind many of the people who are also affected by negative body-image issues.


Rejecting the premises


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