What is society?

Societies have been a core part of human interaction since the beginning of mankind. But what is society? A shared geography? A shared culture? Coming together to work towards a shared goal? Do they even exist?

Society is a shared territory

Societies evolved around geospatial territories. They are influenced by and depend on, the connection between people and the space they occupy.

Societies have a sense of spatial belonging

It is impossible to separate a society from the space it controls or occupies. The social and the geographical are entwined.

Societies mobilize around possession of territory

The possession and defence of a territory is one of the greatest mobilizing forces in a society.

Society is a shared culture

Societies emerge around a shared culture, value system and language.

A society shares its cultural values, beliefs, and tenets

Societies form around those with common values. Values are a culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Values are deeply embedded and critical for transmitting and teaching a culture’s beliefs. Beliefs are the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true. Individuals in a society have specific beliefs, but they also share collective values.

A society shares a language

Societies are organized around a common parlance like language that allows communication and social ties. Without language there is no society. Is language really constituting society or is society constituting a language?

Society is sharing a common goal

Societies form around the need to collaborate to solve a common problem or pursue a common goal.

Without society, man is selfish

In the absence of society, humans become selfish and ego-centric as self-preservation becomes the sole focus.

The state is the ideal expression of society

The most efficient and perfect expression of a society is the state. the state's role is to set collective goals.

Society is a prison

Societies are a prison of our own making, stifling individualism and free thought.

Collective rationalization has imprisoned the individual

Societies have erected institutions designed to maximize efficiency. In doing so, they have built prisons that incarcerate the individual.

Society means different things to different people

There is no universal definition or attribute all societies have. The idea of society means different things to different populations.

Society is defined by its participants

The participants of a society define its role and definition.

Each society is vastly different

Societies are not generic constructs. Each society is unique.

Society doesn't exist

There is no such thing as a collective society. When we perceive 'society' we are merely perceiving randomized individual behavior and interactions.

We are all individuals

Society as a concept that exists beyond the individual doesn't exist. It is merely the sum of individual interactions.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 20 Feb 2020 at 22:33 UTC